Chabad of Putnam will host a community menorah lighting Dec. 7 at 6 p.m. on Route 312 at the corner of North Brewster Road (across from the fire station) in Brewster. The festivities will include refreshments such as hot latkes and cider.
Chabad of Putnam will also host a “CKids Chanukah Legoland” event Dec. 10 at 10:30 a.m., for children to learn about and celebrate Chanukah, the eight-day Jewish Festival of Light that takes place this year from Dec. 7 to 15.
The theme of the program is “Build a Brighter World,” and each part of the program will emphasize how children can add light to the world. The interactive children’s program will feature an array of Chanukah games, activities and crafts. Each child will build their own Chanukah dazzler – a light up Lego-like Menorah. They’ll also receive Chanukah superhero cards to take home, encouraging them to be their own Chanukah superhero by sharing more light and goodness in the world.
To register, visit
As part of its Holiday on the Lake festivities, the Hamlet of Carmel Civic Association will be sponsoring a menorah lighting ceremony Sunday, Dec. 10 at 4 p.m. on the shore of Lake Gleneida, at the intersection of Routes 6 and 52 (opposite Reed Memorial Library).
Rabbi Avi Korer of Chabad of Putnam County will preside over this Chanukah ceremony, which will feature singing and refreshments. Live music will kick off the event at 4 p.m., with the menorah lighting ceremony beginning at 4:30 p.m.
The public is invited to participate.
For more local Chanukah activities, visit